Many industrial canisters with tubes coming out of top end, lined in multiple rows.

3D TRASAR™ Technology for Reverse Osmosis (RO)

Future-Forward Water Purity Technology

Assure Production with Confidence
3D TRASAR Technology for Reverse Osmosis optimizes your processes and resources by delivering operational insights and normalized performance through leading-edge smart technology and expert human support.

3D TRASAR Technology for Reverse Osmosis Benefits

  • Extend Membrane Life with real-time, continuous monitoring to minimize system upsets 
  • Minimize Unplanned Downtime through reporting and insights that inform on-site actions  
  • Reduce Labor Costs through world-class automation  
  • Achieve Consistent Water Quality through non-stop chemistry optimization 
  • Maximize Operational Efficiency with on-call expert support and 24/7/365 reporting and analysis 
  • Help Achieve Sustainability Goals through constant visibility into RO efficiency

How 3D TRASAR Technology for Reverse Osmosis Works:

Chemistry Dose Icon

Dispenses Proper Chemistry Doses 

Membrane KPIs Icon
Dispenses Proper Chemistry Doses
Collects Membrane KPIs
Performance Metrics Icon
Calculate Performance Metrics
Membrane Performance Dashboard Icon
Displays Membrane Performance in Dashboard

An Industry-Agnostic, Optimized Reverse Osmosis Technology

See how implementing 3D TRASAR Technology for Reverse Osmosis has reduced maintenance costs, extended membrane life and assured production for our customers across a broad range of industries.
Worker atop a bridge at facility for urban wastewater, the treatment of which is an Ecolab solution to support our customers’ businesses.

세계 수자원 절약 지원

3D TRASAR™ Technology for Reverse Osmosis has been successfully implemented across a wide variety of industrial processes. 미국 중서부 발전소에서부터 스페인 폐수처리 시설에 이르기까지, 날코 워터는 세계 수자원 절약에 도움이 되는 종합 케어 RO 기능을 제공합니다.

고객 사례 연구:
Major Glass Manufacturing Plant in EU customer case study

멤브레인용 3D TRASAR™ 기술로 북유럽의 주요 유리 제조 공장에서 유지보수 비용 절감

Quick Detection customer case study

멤브레인용 3D TRASAR™ 기술과 시스템 보장 센터를 통한 신속한 높은 산화제 수준 감지로 멤브레인 손상 방지

System Assurance Center customer case study

멤브레인용 3D TRASAR™ 기술과 시스템 보장 센터가 양조장에서 멤브레인 교체를 방지하는 데 중요한 역할을 수행

Essential Expertise Protect Assets customer case study

멤브레인용 3D TRASAR™ 기술과 필수 전문 지식으로 북유럽 제약 공장의 자산 보호 및 생산 보장